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6th Social Studies Syllabus

Jasper Middle School / 6th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Mrs. Kelly Dorsey

Coach Andrew Grigsby

Coach Jonathan Faix

Textbook and Main Resources:

  The World and Its People

6th Grade Georgia Performance Standards:

6th Grade Social Studies by Gallopade

Course Description / Rationale: Our focus of study will be on four regions: Canada, Latin America, Europe, and Australia/Oceania.  For each region, we will study the culture, economics, government, physical geography, and the major historical developments which shaped the region.

Student Supplies: Students should come to class prepared everyday with pencils, colored pencils, highlighter, loose leaf notebook paper, agenda, and any homework assignment or projects that are due.

Course Evaluation Scale:

60% - Formative (Daily Work, Homework, Quizzes, etc.)

40% - Summative (Test, Major Projects, Quizzes, etc.)

Make-up Work: Following an absence, the student will have three school days to request make-up assignments from the teacher.  Teachers will have three school days to provide the make-up assignments, only if the student asks for the make-up work.  Teachers may give the initial assignments or may also give alternative assignments.  Failure to satisfactorily complete make-up assignments within ten days of the absence will result in a grade of zero for those assignments.  Students who have been assigned out of school suspension (OSS) are not eligible to make up any assignments.  Any assignments missed during OSS will result in a grade of zero.  If the student is absent the day before a due date of an assignment or test, the student is expected to complete the assignment or take the test on that assign date.

Class Format: In order to accommodate the various learning styles and academic readiness of each student, instruction will be differentiated.  Students may work on different assignments during instructional time to attain the same goal.  Instructional methods and tools will consist of lecture, audio-visual materials, projects, papers, cooperative learning, computer technology, and research.

Class Rules:

1.        Be respectful: to the teacher, others and yourself.

2.      Be responsible: always be prepared and be responsible for your actions.

3.      Be Safe: always keep yourself and others safe.

4.     Be the best person you can be: follow school rules according to the code of conduct.  Treat others better than yourself.

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